Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower citizens with accurate and up-to-date information about reproductive healthcare. Through evidence-based educational and logistical resources, we strive to ensure informed decision-making for all. Our “Laying TRACKS” project is a comprehensive library of interactive maps, graphics, and data analysis that tracks trends in the constantly-evolving reproductive landscape at the federal and state levels. We believe in freedom, privacy, and the health and wellbeing of all, and our goal is to provide simple yet impactful visual storytelling that supports these foundational values.
Our nonprofit envisions a world where every individual has access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, information, and resources. We strive to be the leading provider of reproductive resources, maps, and analytics, empowering people with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and the resources quantify the impact of the changes happening in the country. Through our innovative and data-driven approach, we aim to eliminate barriers to reproductive healthcare access and create a world where reproductive rights are protected and respected. Our vision is to build a community that is committed to advancing reproductive health and rights, and to ensure that every person has the opportunity to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and well-being.
About the Laying TRACKS Organization
Laying TRACKS is a 501(c)(3) comprised of a group of volunteers who came together to use their varied backgrounds and skillsets to impact positive change. From the beginning, the goal of the organization has been empowerment via connecting people with the right information, resources and a network of volunteers to continue expanding our offering.
Why We Created Laying TRACKS
We were finding that getting information on reproductive state laws, pending legislation, understanding what it all meant and then using that information to make a decision and find the right resources was cumbersome, requiring a lot of research through complicated information and documentation. While it was easy to find the bigger players, it was not as easy to identify local support groups and logistical resources. We wanted to make an easier solution for navigating through this post-roe-overturn landscape.
Laying TRACKS Future Plans
We are currently building a library of helpful tools for our users. Once we complete the builds and do our due diligence for vetting privacy concerns for the platform vendors used, we will release our first story map, built with a proprietary data set that brings it all together in a meaningful and easy to understand way. A user will have, in a single view, all of the state information they need and then relevant resources for the logistical side of seeking reproductive care.
The project that we are currently working on is a library of interactive maps, graphics and relevant information about what is happening in the reproductive landscape. This includes resources at the federal and state level, current data analysis and will continually expand to show you any trends over time. Once we have data collected over time to compare against, we will use that to tell you stories with data-backed resources.
If you have ideas for additional information that would be helpful to add, are interested in our data set for your research or would like to partner with us to help us change the world, please email us at: Support@layingtracks.org

We are bringing together existing, expert-shared resources into a single tool to give you an easy way to find all of the information that you need. We are also creating our own data sets to bring you even more comprehensive information that is easy to understand and navigate.

Our team includes evidence-based study expertise and has spent many hours researching and curating a collection of the most reputable sources. Our efforts connect you with the best-available factual information to help you understand the details of your options in a way that is easy to understand.

We are partnering with other groups and organizations to ensure that you have access to both the educational materials and practical resources you need. Whether you use the site to look for yourself or you reach out to one of our volunteers, we will make sure that you are able to find everything you need.

This organization is driven by our care for others, manifested through our tool by connecting you to compassionate volunteers, leading experts and organizations. We are constantly updating the site to make sure that you have the most current health and life care information possible.

Just after privacy and protection, compassion is our guiding star. We want to make sure that you not only have the information that you need to make a decision, but that you also have access to people who are ready to help you with a kind heart instead of judgment.

At the end of the day, our mission is all about making sure that you are able to find the help that you need to maintain your heath and wellness. Our goal is your ultimate safety and wellbeing while making decisions on your reproductive options.
Meet Our Board

Co-Founder/ Program Development

Co-Founder/ Treasurer


Outreach Director
Meet Our Volunteer Leadership

Director of GeoTechnology

Director of Volunteer Management

Director of Digital Media
More on our Volunteers – COMING SOON!
At Laying TRACKS, we are driven 100% on volunteer-power. We have more than 30 volunteers from coast-to-coast who use their backgrounds, skillsets and areas of expertise to assist in our mission. If you would like to help, we have room for all skillsets and areas of interest!*
We are not accepting volunteers to directly interact with users for technical assistance at this time. If a need for additional personal assistants becomes necessary, we will make our vetting process publicly available so that you understand our methodology for keeping you safe!